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Know Your Purpose, Know Your Partners.

RCCG-Victory Temple Chantilly

JAN. 15, 2025

Know your purpose, know your partners

"As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." Jn 20:21 NIV

In order to identify God's will for your life, you must be clear about two things: 

(1) Your purpose. Facing the cross, Jesus said, "For this cause came I into the world" (Jn 18:37). Your passion is that area of your life that fires you up. 

  • It might be world hunger, or 

  • neglected veterans, or education. 

  • You see little kids growing up in under resourced school districts, and they're never going to have a chance to learn, and it just kills you. 

  • Or unwed moms, or 

  • the gospel being proclaimed unclearly. 

Instead of finding your passion in the area of your opportunities and your skills, sometimes you will find it in the area of your hurts and scars. From people who struggle with addictions, to those who have spent time in prison, to those who contend with emotional disorders-there are so many areas. God won't waste a hurt. 

(2) Your partners. Jesus called twelve disciples, then He dispatched them on a brief mission two at a time so they could go together. So along with your passions and strengths and scars, you need people in your life who will encourage you, applaud you, and take part in what you are doing. Paul spells out his passion: "The longing of my for the people of Israel to be saved" (Ro 10:1 NLT). Paul also knew his partners: "Every time I think of you, I give thanks...for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ" (Php 1:3, 5 NLT).  So, the word for you today is-know your purpose, know your partners.

Know your purpose, know your partners

God won't waste a hurt.

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