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Put away the measuring stick!

RCCG-Victory Temple Chantilly

MAR. 5, 2025

Put away the measuring stick!

"Jesus said to Simon you love me...?" Jn 21:15 NIV

Reimar Schultze says: "The more conscientious we are, the more we...go to bed with some sense that we missed the elusive 100 percent again... Many precious saints fall for this trap…..robbing themselves of the joy of the Lord and the peace...that passes all understanding…We all are familiar with the testimonies of some of the greatest men of God. Many of them, like us...found themselves in the gutters of self-incrimination." Moses felt completely unworthy and unable to free Israel from Egypt. Yet how often has God called you to do something and you said the same thing: "Who am I, that I should go?" (Ex 3:11). 

Do you think you know more than the One who called you? David tells us throughout the Psalms that God is omnipotent and omnipresent; that He never takes his eyes off us.  

  • Then David contradicts himself by declaring, "I am a worm and not a man" (Ps 22:6 NIV), and "I am forgotten as though I were dead" (Ps 31:12 NIV). 

  • Elijah was so depressed that he cried, "Enough... Lord, take away my life" (1Ki 19:4). 

  • Job cursed the day he was born, yet the Bible calls him a "blameless and upright" man who reverenced God (Job 1:1 NIV). 

Pastor Schultze continues: "Measuring our worth to God by our performance will continue to threaten us until the end of time...I absolutely refuse to go to bed going through some kind of checklist on how I did...l would rather ask myself the question Jesus asked you love Me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength? Again, that is the only test I want to give myself at the end of the day." It's the one that counts most!

Put away the measuring stick!

Do you love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength?

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