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Want what God wants.

RCCG-Victory Temple Chantilly

DEC. 22, 2024

Want what God wants.

"The king said to me, 'What is it you want?"" Ne 2:4 NIV

The rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls began with two questions the king asked Nehemiah.

  • The first question was "What is bothering you?" (See v. 2). 

  • The second question was"What is it you want?" (v. 4 NIV). 

Nehemiah replied, "Send me to the city in Judah where my ancestors are buried so that I can rebuild it" (v. 5 NIV). 

Nehemiah knew exactly what he wanted, because a passion for it had been conceived in his spirit.  He had been thinking and praying about it for quite a few months when the king asked him what he wanted. 

A pastor writes: "Few things are as miraculous as the moment of human conception. A sperm penetrates an egg, and all the genetic data that determine who you will become— everything from facial features to personality traits-is encoded within that single cell. And it begins a nine-month process of gestation.

  • The mother's body starts producing hormones before she even knows she is pregnant. 

  • The baby's heart starts beating on day twenty-two. 

  • At four weeks, that single cell has grown ten thousand times larger. 

  • At around day forty-two, neurons start multiplying at the astounding rate of approximately ten thousand per second.

  • Everything from the optic nerve to the auditory cortex to the respiratory system is being formed in the womb." 

  • And a God-given vision is conceived the same way. 

  • It begins small and keeps growing within you until the time of delivery.  

That's why the Bible says,"The vision is yet for an appointed time... though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come" (Hab 2:3).  So, the word for you today is-want what God wants.

Want what God wants

"The vision is yet for an appointed time."

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